Random Number Slot Machine

In 2014 casinos across the United States discovered that a number of patrons were winning at slots. For anyone who has a passing interest in maths, or has played a slot machine, would know: this should be impossible! “The house always wins“, is a saying that’s actually mandated by law for slot machines in many countries.

No, it’s not roulette. It’s a slot machine with roulette animations. The Two Types of RNGs True Random Number Generators (TRNGs) True Random Number Generators use a variety of natural sources to determine random numbers. A Random Number Generator is therefore an algorithm generating what appears to be random results. These results have no pattern(s) and in the long term there is an even distribution of outcomes. RNG and the outcomes for slot machines. In a slot machine, random numbers are continually and consistently being generated, even when no game is being. Online slot machines are truly random, and a casino knows what the payout percentages via a set of certifications. Each slot and random number generator part of the slot need to pass rigorous in-house testing as well as a suite of statistical tests created to detect bias. Properly designed slots which work with true Random Number Generators are theoretically unbeatable. But in reality, there are many documented cases of players who managed to trick slots into paying them out much more than the casino owners’ had hoped. Many of these tricks are blatant theft. Slot machines don’t give systems players as many possibilities as roulette or craps. There are no combination bets such as hedging a pass bet with any 7 in craps or betting 0 and 00 along with.

How do slot machines work?

Simplifying things a bit, a slot machine is a random number generator which picks a number between 0 and 100 randomly when the punter puts in a coin and presses a button. If the number is above 55, the punter “wins” and there is some payout — otherwise the house “wins” and keeps the coin. The house should always win in the long run: they have the mathematical edge.

But what if the punter knows what number the machine is going to pick? If you could know that, you would be able to press the button when you know you’re going win. How could a punter ever know what random number the machine is picking? The trick is that slot machines don’t (usually) pick random numbers! This is because computers are very much not-random: they can only follow instructions. A computer which doesn’t follow its instructions to the letter is not a good computer. Sadly, “roll a die” is not an instruction that any computer can understand.

New Random Slots


Pseudo-random numbers

Instead, machines use a pseudo-random number generator. As the name suggests, this technique generates numbers that appear random: each number generated seems to be unrelated to the ones that came before, and has an equal probability of coming up. To make a pseudo-random number generator all you need is a bit of maths, and a complicated enough formula. A common formula to get random numbers is called the Mersenne Twister, which takes a “seed” number to start, then does a whole heap of maths on it to spit out a series of pseudo-random numbers. They are not truly random as if you put in the same seed, it will spit out the same numbers.

Now, the slot machine’s pseudo-random number generator doesn’t just use a single seed, and some of its seeds may even depend on time or other hard-to-know-precisely variables. However, with a long enough observation time, and some really smart reverse-engineering, it is possible to recreate the entire formula: you’ve know cracked that slot machine, and know when to press the button such that you beat the house odds.

Really truly random

If you wanted to create a truly random number generator you need an input to your complicated formula that is truly random: just picking your seed isn’t an option. Some common ways to get this random number is to use something like the timing of keystrokes or mouse movements as in the Fortuna method, or atmospheric noise (like the noise picked up by a radio antenna) as used by RANDOM.ORG. However perhaps the most robust way is to use radioactive decay, like the Hotbits service.

Using radioactive decay relies on the fundamental laws of quantum mechanics to ensure that the numbers are actually, truly, irreproducibly random. The chance that a single element will decay and create a “blip” at your detector is just that: a pure chance. There is no way to know, regardless of how good your measuring equipment just when a radioactive source will decay. This makes it an ideal place to find truly random numbers.

Random Number Generator Slot Machine

In the end, this technique doesn’t save the casinos. They are unwilling to replace or upgrade all of their slot machines, so there will always be a chance that another enterprising hacker will work out how to reproduce their “random” numbers, and start beating the house again!

Slot machines are truly random and in any casino land-based or online, slots are the most favoured, even though most players do not completely understand how they function. There is a general misconception of how slots work and once you understand the inner operations of slots they can be even more fun, extremely profitable and provide hours of enthralling play.

Slot machines are truly random and use a random number generator, the first slot generation was mechanical, think back to coin-operated slots and even those utilised a random number generator most referred to as RNG, to determine the outcomes of the game.

Do modern slots at online casinos use a random number generator?

Modern or video slots at online casinos also use RNG to determine outcomes, the RNG is a mathematical formula in the program running the slot, this program utilises numbers generated by RNG to determine which symbols appear on the reels when they stop. The programs used in physical and online slots are pretty much the same, instead of real spinning reels, it spins on a computer screen.

Random Number Generator Slot Machine

A Random Number Generator is a microchip that constantly generates numbers at a rate of several billion per second. In slots, the RNG is everything, in the early days of slot machines a mechanical concept was used for randomization but over the past decades, the RNG process has been digitalised and therefore the RNG computer chip is not only used in slots but also in video poker and other casino games.

Random Number Generator Slot Machine Hack

To best way to explain how RNG’s work, as its title, suggests the random number generator has one function and that is the generation of random numbers, this is an ongoing and constant process, generating a set of randomized numbers in a fraction of a second and constantly repeating the process whether the slot is played or not.

As a matter of fact, the randomization process is completely separated from the slot or game and supply the game with the random numbers which the game expresses in a specific format be it slot symbols, poker cards or even keno numbers. Casinos have the match working to their advantage, this is why they seriously don’t need to rig the game. If players enjoy slots at a well-regulated online casino they can be certain that all software is regularly tested, which means the game had to pass rigorous testing before the software are certified as random and fair.

Slot Machine Random Name Generator

It is not possible to predict random numbers as the RNG are pseudo-random number generators, this means numbers appear random as well as that their value is completely unpredictable in advance. It is important to remember that slots don’t react to previous results, it also does not react to wherever the previous outcome was, a win or a loss. Results are random and none of the superstitious believes is true, lucky charms could make you feel more empowered but at the end of the day it is a game of luck and if you the one playing when the luckiest combination spins into place, you could win life-altering payouts.