Press Moves Craps

  • Many craps strategies involve multiple components, like pressing bets, that need to be remembered when rolling. Learn a tip or two that will help you remember to press your bets at the table Pressing Bets: An Important Component To Craps Strategies To Remember.
  • The whole point of the strategy is to use the winnings to power press the bet and shift it to the next number, pressing and moving until the bet makes it all the way across the Point numbers; if starting at 4, each hit will move the bet to the next number heading towards the 10.
I'll take these one set of sisters at a time. For example, betting the Six and Eight, the Five and Nine, and the Four and Ten.

The two progressions mentioned last time are the press-and-pull (or the pull-and-press variant) and the up-a-unit. The press-and-pull progression alternates between press ing the place bet when the number hits and pull ing the profits when it hits. The up-a-unit progression adds one unit to.

Six and Eight Press Moves
PressLet me preface this by saying that on MOST hands you'll do much better over the long run to take a couple of hits and down. However, you'll never score one of those four or five figure wins doing that, so lelt's go:

Press Moves In Craps

I bet the inside numbers for $15 each - or $66 inside. I bet the four and ten for $25 each right off the bat. However, I don't bet all the numbers on every shooter. I will start every shooter off with $18 each on the Six and Eight. Any other bets made are a result of charting current trends - or are based on observation of the shooter's ability and results on a previous round. So let's start with the Six and eight at $18each - $36 total Investment.
First hit on either number - I collect $21 and 'same bet' it.
Second hit on either number - I drop $3 on top of the $21 pay off and tell the dealer to press me to $42.
Third hit on my pressed bet - Collect $50 for $1 ($49 net)
Fourth hit on the pressed bet - Power Press to $90.
I should note here that if the sister number hits during all of the above we just 'same bet' it. We want most of our action on the number that's showing up the most often, so if we've been pressing the Six and the Eight suddenly takes off we can move the bets around and put the larger sum on the number that's hitting. Press Moves Craps
Fifth hit on my pressed bet pays $105. I like to collect $100 and tip the dealer $5. Press moves for craps
Sixth hit Press to $180 - Press to $180 and collect $20. Toss another red chip to the dealers if you want to keep the positive Juju going.
Seventh hit pays $210 - Same bet. Now you're getting black chips.
Eighth hit - drop $30 and power press to $420. Now you've got the pit's attention.
Ninth hit - $500 for $10. And yes, I toss another $5 to the dealers.
Tenth hit - Press to $900. You'll get $10 change.Craps
Eleventh hit - - pays $1050. Collect $1025 and drop the dealers a quarter.
Twelfth hit - Pays $1050 - Press to $1800 and lock up $150.
Thirteenth hit - Collect $2100.
Thirteenth hit - Drop $300 and press to $4200.
Fourteenth hit - pays $5000 for $100.
Last of all - if you're not at table max then the next hit pays $5000 for $100 - go ahead and press ti $9000. If you get that far - miracles can happen.
Now let's look at the five and nine. Let's say you have $15 each on the five and nine.
First hit pays $21 - Same bet.
Second hit pays $21 - Press the number that hit to $35.
Third hit (on $35 pressed) pays $50 for $1 - Same Bet.
Fourth hit pays $50 for $1 - press to $75 and lock up the $9 change.
Fifth hit pays $105 - Same bet - lock up $100 - toke the dealers $5.
Sixth hit pays $105 - Press to $150 - lock up the $35 change.
Seventh hit pays $210 - Same bet.

Craps Press Moves Video

Eighth hit pays $210 - Press to $350 and lock up $10 change.
The rest of the progression just repeats what we've done so far - but you add a zero to the base numbers. Again, only press the dominant number. Let the sister pay the bills for you to roll around.

Press Moves For Craps

Last of all is the Four and Ten. I'll just run through the progression. Same rules apply about only pressing the dominant number.
Press moves for craps$25 - $50 - $100 - $250 - $500 - $1000 - $2500 - $5000 - $7500, etc.
You don't get those lightning strikes often, but when they come it makes for a hell of a trip reports.