Open Face Chinese Poker Strategy

4 Devices2 Devices2 Devices2 Devices
Warren Beginner ModeWarren Beginner ModeWarren Beginner ModeWarren Beginner Mode
Criss-Cross ModeCriss-Cross ModeCriss-Cross ModeCriss-Cross Mode
Pineapple ModePineapple ModePineapple ModePineapple Mode
EV CalculatorEV CalculatorEV CalculatorEV Calculator
Starting Hand AIStarting Hand AIStarting Hand AIStarting Hand AI
Warren Advanced ModeWarren Advanced ModeWarren Advanced ModeWarren Advanced Mode
SimulationsSimulations (100/month)Simulations (20/month)Simulations

Open-Face Chinese Poker is a new card game variant of the much older game of Chinese Poker, which has been popular in Asian communities for many years. This game made its tournament debut at the PokerStars Caribbean Adventure, where it quickly caught on with the poker pros. The World Series of Poker also hosted a medallion event and those that play poker are calling this poker game a winner. Open Face Chinese Poker Rules Since Chinese Poker is pretty easy to solve, a variant was created that takes a lot of skill, luck, and gamble. Instead of being dealt all 13 cards face down, each player is dealt 5 cards, face down. The player to the left of the button sets their hand first, face up.

The players in the game are dealt with thirteen hole cards, they have to fill three cards in the front hand, five cards each in the middle hand and back hand. The game begins with the left of the dealer, in clockwise direction. The players must also keep in mind that the back hand must be stronger or equal to the middle hand and the middle hand must be stronger or equal to the front hand. The front hand should be the weakest among the other two hands.

Firstly, the dealer distributes five cardsface up to each player. The players then have to fill the five cards in the empty boxes according to the proper order, so as to gain more points. After which, the players are then dealt three cards each face down where they get to make use of only two cards laid face up on the table and discard the other one card face down. The game continues until thirteen hands are made.

Pineapple Fantasy Land

The main goal of the game is to achieve more units/points than your opponent by winning more hands/rows by collecting royalties on premium hands without fouling. Also, if you get to win more than 222+ points in your top hand, you get 17 cards in the Fantasy land, which gives you more chances of winning.

The minimum possible hand to get into fantasy land is QQ where the players get 14 cards. Subsequently, the combination of KK will give you 15 cards and the combination of AA will give you 16 cards.

Fantasy land is more of a ‘bonus’ to the game. If you get to hit the Fantasy Land, you are dealt all thirteen cards at once, and you set your cards face down. This is a big disadvantage for the other players as they are dealt in normal hand without being able to see your cards.

In order to stay in the Fantasy Land one must score 10-point royalty or higher in any sub-hand. the following conditions must be met:

Remain in Fantasyland
Row/HandStrength of hand
Front (and/or)Any three of a kind
Middle (and/or)Full house or higher
Back (and/or)Four of a kind or higher

Dead Hand/Fouling

Online Open Face Chinese Poker

When a player makes an illegal hand, the hand is forfeited and as a result, it is termed as dead hand/fouling. In this case, the player losses 6 points in total i.e, 1 point per row and 3 points for scoop bonus. Players who fouled can also lose additional units if the players with legal hands achieve royalties. Also, the players who fouled, loses all the royalties in his hand and no units are counted.

It is very much important for the players to keep in mind the basic rules of the game: to keep the back hand the strongest, the middle hand slightly weaker than the back hand and the front hand the weakest. Points are added to the winner and subtracted from the loser. therefore,avoid fouling plays

Legal hand structure
Row/HandStrength of hand
Front (3 cards)3rd / Weakest hand
Middle (5 cards)2nd / Stronger
Back (5 cards)1st / Strongest

Rules for scoring in OFCP

The scores are calculated by comparing the hands of the players as in, back hand with back hand, middle hand with middle hand and front hand with front hand. In certain cases where both the players have the same hands, none of the players get any units. The players get 1 unit/point for every hand they win. And if the players win 2 hands out of 3 hands or all three hands, they get additional 1 point.


Apart from the regular scoring, the players can also get royalties, which are given to the players for making certain combinations. The points are given as a result of the combination of the hands.

Scoring Table

Bottom Row Royalties
Full House6
Quads (four of a kind)10
Straight flush15
Royal flush25
Open Face Chinese Poker Strategy

Middle Row Royalties
Three of a kind2
Full house12
Quads (four of a kind)20
Straight Flush30
Royal flush50

Open Face Chinese Poker Strategy

Open Face Chinese Poker Strategy Games

Front Row Royalties
Front (Pairs)Units/Points
10 105

Open Face Chinese Poker Strategy For Beginners

Front (Trial)Units/Points
10 10 1018