List Of Texas Holdem Terms

Poker Etiquette for Texas Hold’em. The etiquette tips in the following list apply to Texas Hold’em and to any other poker game. Sure, you can have fun while you play poker, but you can have all the fun you want without being impolite to the other players or the dealer. Basic poker etiquette includes these tips: Always play in turn. Texas Hold’em Rules: Texas Hold’em Poker is a community card game that can be played anywhere from 2-10 players. One player acts as dealer. This position is called the button and it rotates clockwise after every hand. The two players to the left of the dealer are called the small blind and the big blind, respectively. No Limit Texas Holdem. How It’s Played. Each Texas holdem hand starts with the first two seats.

Getting used to all the Texas Hold Em poker terms out there can be very overwhelming for a newcomer to the game.

The game of Texas Hold Em has its own language with hundreds of terms out there and it seems like new poker jargon and slang are being created daily.

List of texas hold em terms

We have compiled a list of the most common poker terms, including hand terms and card terms, to make sure that you know exactly what is being said at tables and going on during the game.

List of No Limit Texas Hold'em Terms. All In – When a player bets all of his/her remaining chips Ante – In No Limit Texas Hold’em Tournament play. Forms of Hold 'Em. The most popular form of hold 'em is no-limit Texas hold 'em, in which players may wager any amount of their stack at any time during the hand. Formerly the most popular form of the games was limit hold 'em, in which players were restricted to a specific bet size on each 'street' or betting round. For instance, in a $10/20.

Here is our list of poker terms:

All-in – The act of betting all of your chips in No Limit Texas Hold Em.

Ante – A forced bet from everyone at the table. Antes are usually used in the later stages of a tournament to increase the size of the pot and the action.

Bad beat – When a big hand that is a favourite to win gets beaten by a much worse hand.

Bankroll – Your money available for playing poker.

Bet – The money wagered on a hand.

Big Slick – Refers to Ace-King.

Blinds – The forced bets to the immediate left of the button are known as the small blind and the big blind. These forced bets get the game going by putting money in the pot.

Board – The community cards that are dealt face up in the middle of the poker table.


Boat – A boat in poker is a term used when a player has a full boat or full house. This is three cards of same rank and two cards of the same rank.

Bubble – In tournament poker this is when there are only a few more players left than there are payout spots.

Bust – Losing all of your tournament chips, cash game buy-in, or entire bankroll.

Button – The button represents the dealer’s position at the table.

Buy-in – The entry fee for a tournament or the amount needed to play a cash game.

Calling station – A loose player who calls bets often when they should not.

Check – The act of choosing not to bet (to check) when it is your turn to act and no one has bet before you.

Donkey / Donk – A bad poker player.

Draw – A hand that requires another card on the turn or the river to make a complete hand.

Drawing Dead – A hand that has no chance to win at showdown.

Final Table – This refers to the last table in a large poker tournament. This is where the prizes become very large.

Fish – A bad poker player.

Flop – The first three community cards dealt on the board in Texas Hold Em.

Flush Draw – When you hold four suited cards to a flush with more cards to come on the turn or river.

Freeroll – A tournament that is free to enter. Play online, freerolls now by signing up at our recommended poker rooms.

List Of Texas Holdem Terms Glossary

Gutshot – Also an inside straight draw or belly-buster straight draw – this is a draw where only one card will complete your straight meaning the card will be one of the middle cards in the draw.

List of texas holdem terms list

Heads Up – A game where there are only two players.

Kicker – If both players have the same pair, their other hole card (the kicker) decides the winner.

Limp – To enter a hand by only calling the big blind.

Muck – To muck a hand means to disgard it or throw it away. Once your hand has been “mucked” it is out of play.

Nuts or The Nuts – The best possible poker hand. Of all of the Texas Hold Em poker terms this is one you always want to be able to use!

On The Button – When a player is in the dealer position, with the dealer button placed in front of them. This player will act last in all betting rounds except before the flop.

Outs – The number of cards left in the deck that will give the player the winning hand.

List Of Texas Holdem TermsList of texas holdem terms glossary

Overcards – Unpaired hole cards that are higher than the cards on the board.

Overpair – A pocket pair that is higher than the cards on the board.

Rags – Low cards dealt on the flop.

Rake – The amount that the casino takes from the pot as their charge for hosting the game. This is normally 5% of the pot.

Rakeback – Rakeback programs allow players to get a portion of their rake returned to them whether or not they win or lose. We offer the best rakeback program available through our partnership with the best rakeback affiliate service. Sign up today.

Texas Holdem Vocabulary

Rathole – Taking chips off the table after a big win or leaving the table immediately with the winnings.

River – Also fifth street – this is the last (or 5th) community card dealt on the board.

Satellite – A small buy-in tournament where the prize is the entry to a larger tournament.

Set – A set is when a player has three cards of the same rank, or three-of-a-kind.

Shark – A good poker player.

Slowplay – Playing a strong hand passively in the hope of tricking your opponent into thinking that you do not have a good hand.

Straddle – A straddle is a bet that is place by the player that is under the gun or to the left of the big blind. This bet is placed before the cards are dealt and allows this player, or the straddler, to act last during the first round of betting before the flop.

Straight Draw – Open-ended straight draw – four cards in a row to the straight with more cards to come on the turn or river.

Suited Connectors – Two hole cards of the same suit that are also connecting cards e.g. the 7 and 6 of clubs.

Tilt – A player who has been thrown off his game and is now angry and playing poorly.

Turn – Also fourth street – this is the 4th community card dealt on the board.

Under The Gun (UTG) – The position to the left of the big blind who is first to act before the flop.

After reading our complete list of Texas Hold Em poker terms you will now be able to understand all of the poker terms and poker jargon that is used during an exciting game of Texas Hold Em.

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