Great Craps Rolls

Playing craps is a great feeling when players are riding the highs of the casino game, and a sinking feeling when they’re riding a losing streak. The object of the game is to win money by placing bets on the craps table. A shooter then rolls the dice, and if it’s a 7 to 11, then it’s a pass, and 2 through 6 are don’t pass. Simple enough, right? Well, there are ways to play this game, and they are simple to follow, and the systems will either win or fail. Starting from the best system to play to the worst, let’s get started.

Great roll, sir, said the boxman. Great roll, Captain, said the Pit Boss. Great roll, Captain, said one of the other suits. And this was the longest craps roll in history 147 numbers. There is only the Captain. We colored up our mound of chips and security escorted us to the cage. Well have a late lunch in the suite and then well head back. The Longest Craps Roll Belongs to a Complete Amateur One account that shatters the controlled shooting theory is the story of Patricia Demauro. This New Jersey grandmother once produced 154 consecutive rolls before sevening out. The odds of this happening are just one in 1.56 trillion. How to Play Craps. Craps Lessons & Practice. Last update: June 2020. Craps is one of the bet bets in the casino. The house edge is a mere 1.41%, which is four times better than roulette, and several times better than most slot machines. That means you stand to get back around 99¢ of every dollar bet, on average.

The Hot & Cold Betting System

The reason this is the best of the four systems that are currently used today is that it relies on luck. For example, when a shooter rolls the dice, and either wins or loses, the player who uses this system will follow in suit. If the shooter wins, then the player will simply bet on the pass line and try to ride the winning streak. If the shooter loses, the player using this system will play don’t pass in an attempt to ride the losing streak. This would be better if the house didn’t have a total on the don’t come bets that are simply neither a win or lose.

The Rothstein System

Some older craps players may recognize this as the same system as the Martingale system. This system of betting works by betting one unit on the pass line or don’t pass line. If the player wins, they are up one unit and are betting one unit the next time. If they lose, then they must double their bet and add one unit. For example, a player bets $10 as one unit, and loses, the next bet they make would be $30, and if they lose again then they would bet $70. This happens until the player wins and isn’t a great way to play the game of craps.

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The Watcher System

This is almost as terrible as the worst one, but off by a small margin. This system works by betting against a hot streak. For example, if a shooter rolls a pass line successfully on 4 straight rolls, the watcher will then join the game, and bet $10 on don’t pass. This is smart, right? Wrong, this is a great way to lose money. On each successful roll, the betters statistically gave a 54% pass, and 46% fail on each roll. So while the players think that a fifth consecutive roll couldn’t possibly pass, and thinking the odds are 31 out of 32 rolls fail, the realistic number for a pass is still 54%. So they are betting against the higher number. But what else could you expect from a system that only allows you to make $10 a day and walk away? If they lose, they simply double their bet and keep betting don’t pass until the win their money back plus $10.

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Hedge Betting

The worst of them all is Hedge betting, as this system works by betting on both the pass line and any craps. Looking at it logically, it looks like a no-brain winner and is used by players to reduce their risk while playing. However, statistically, this number is off base. Playing the pass line on a maximum of 36 rolls results in 8 wins, 4 losses, and 24 no results. Players would double their money using just the pass line. This system doesn’t do that though, it bets on the pass line and any craps, this will allow for 12 wins in 36 rolls, but it also gives way to 24 loses in the same 36 rolls. So this is a flawed system from the off.

When you visit Leelanau Sands Casino you don’t want to miss the craps table. Since it’s one of the most exciting tables games on our casino floor, you’ll often hear cheering around the craps table. Not sure how to play? Let us help!

Craps is a fairly simple game but can get complicated with the sheer number of bets you can make on the table and odds you need to keep track of.

Allow our experts to guide you through the basic rules of craps and teach you how to play…

What You Need to Know About Craps

Craps is one of the only games in the casino where a player is in charge of their own hand. Meaning, instead of you being dealt cards, you get to select and roll your own dice. The goal in craps is to predict how the dice will land.

The table is played in rounds with two phases in a round; the come out and point. Each player’s turn to roll the dice moves clock-wise around the table at the end of each round. There can be up to 20 players at a craps table and everyone will get a chance to throw the dice. If you don’t’ want to throw the dice, you can still play, but you bet on the shooter, or the person throwing the dice.

How Do You Play Craps at the Casino?

When it’s your turn to roll, you’ll be presented with five dice on the table, pick up two of them. You can only handle and throw these dice with one hand. Before you throw you must place a bet on the pass line or don’t pass line (more on this later).

First Phase in Craps: Come out

This is the first roll of the game and the black puck in the middle will say “Off.” A dice roll of 2, 3 or 12 (rolling these numbers is also known as craps) ends the roll and the players lose their bets on the Pass Line, but you get to roll again! A come out roll of 7 or 11 results in a win for bets on the pass line (this is the only time in craps where 7 is good!). The shooter will continue to make come out rolls until they roll a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10. When they land on one of those numbers, it becomes the point. When this happens, the dealer moves the ON button to the point number on the table and this signifies the beginning of the second round.

Great Craps Rolls

To recap: Pass line bets on the come out roll: 7 or 11 wins; 2, 3, and 12 lose.

Second Phase in Craps: Point


In the second round, it’s the shooter’s goal to roll the point number they established in the first round.

If the shooter rolls a point number, it’s a win for bets on the pass line and you get to roll again. If the shooter rolls a seven before their point number they “seven out,” and have lost; bets on the pass line lose and the round ends.

To clarify, the first roll in a round is the come out roll and is the beginning of a new game. A come out roll can only happen after the previous shooter makes their point or rolls a seven. When this happens, the dice move to the left of the shooter (clock-wise).

Craps Table Layout

A craps table is divided into two sides, both a mirror image of each other, to allow bettors on each side of the table to play without reaching all over the table.

Each area on the table signifies a different bet.

How to Place Basic Craps Table Bets

There are dozens of bet variations you can place on a craps table, and we won’t cover all of them here.

1) Pass and Don’t Pass Bets

Two of the best and safest bets in craps are bets on the Pass and Don’t Pass lines. When you bet on the Pass line, you’re betting that the shooter will win. The opposite is true for the Don’t Pass line.

To place these bets, simply place your chips in these areas on the table before the come out roll. Once the point is established, you cannot remove your pass line bet. Be sure to ask the dealer if you have any questions before placing your bet!

2) Odds Bets

Great Craps Rolls Game


Once the point is established, you can place odds bets or “bet behind the line.” The odds bet is a great bet because the casino has no advantage. To make this bet, simply place your chips behind your bet in the pass or don’t pass line. These bets can be removed or changed at any time during the round.

3) Numbers Bets

During the points roll, you can place bets on certain numbers that are on the table. If they come up during the points roll, you win! Different numbers have different odds. When you want to place a bet on a number, place your chips in front of you and tell the dealer where you want your bet placed.

4) Field Bets

If you want to play the field, place your chips in this area on the table. If the dice lands on any of the numbers in the field (2, 3, 4, 9, 11, 12) you win! These are one-roll bets, meaning they removed after the dice is rolled.

Actual Craps Rolls

Tips for Playing Craps

Great Craps Rolls Without

Great craps rolls for beginners
  • Never say the number seven at the craps table. It’s bad luck!
  • When rolling the dice, roll them hard enough to hit the back wall of the table.
  • When on the other end of the table, keep your hands and arms clear to avoid contact with the dice.
  • Don’t intentionally hit the chips at the end of the table with the dice
  • Don’t make late bets! Know how much and when you want to place a bet.

Great Craps Rolls Using

Play Craps in Leelanau County

Great Craps Rolls Recipe

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